Dear Neighbors,
I don’t really have anything to write to you about. I worry that I’m running out of things to say. Not to you, specifically. I probably don’t even know you. In general though. I don’t know what to talk about any more that isn’t coronavirus or quarantine related, and that definitely shouldn’t be our only conversation topic. Movies, books, TV shows, blah blah blah. I’ve had those conversations too. I’m think I’m getting boring. Oh goodness, I hope I’m not boring. Yeah, whatever, I’m boring. It’s fine. It’s fine. One day I’ll see all the people, I’ll go to all the places, I’ll do all the things and I’ll have things to talk about! Man, future me is super interesting. I really can’t wait to meet her.
Love and light,
Avery O
P.S. Here’s a wall doodle. It’s more interesting than a blank wall.

